How To Cope With Mixed Incontinence
Your Health & Wellbeing

How To Cope With Mixed Incontinence

by Gary Sattin on Oct 04, 2022

Mixed incontinence is tough because it means you’re suffering from several symptoms. For example, you may have the urge to go when you’re under stress. You might also have to use the restroom if your bladder is overactive. Luckily, not all hope is lost. This article will show you how to cope with mixed incontinence so that it doesn’t take over your life.

Adult Care Products

Perhaps the best way to deal with mixed incontinence is to buy adult care products. It doesn’t hurt to overprepare. Take a look at our selection of adult care products today—the team at TotalDry wants to empower you and let you know that your life isn’t over just because you suffer from mixed incontinence. Our items, such as booster pads, will help give you the confidence you need when a leak pops up out of nowhere.

Know Your Triggers

You should try your hardest to avoid your triggers if you have mixed incontinence. Unfortunately, those with these types of bladder issues may have more triggers than the average person. Here are some tips that might help lessen the likelihood of a leak:

  • Avoid stress if you notice you have to use the bathroom when you’re in overwhelming situations.
  • Don’t ingest certain foods like alcohol or caffeine that may make your bladder need to empty more frequently.
  • Lean forward on the toilet when using the bathroom to ensure that it’s completely empty.

Reach Out for Support

Another tip on how to cope with mixed incontinence is to reach out for support. Millions of people have this condition, so this isn’t a journey you need to take alone. Perhaps join a support group online where people can share their tips and tricks for living with these symptoms. Also, don’t be afraid to tell your loved ones what’s going on. The people in your life should support you through these challenging times and ask how they can help.

Speaking of support, TotalDry wants to be an ally through your journey of mixed incontinence. Our items will give you the confidence you need to live your life boldly and without apologies. Leaks may happen, but with our help, they won’t disrupt your life.

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